Friday, July 20, 2012


So Im here Infront of my Desktop.THINKING,thinking DEEPLY,walking back and forth and still thinking,



Is it REALLY worth it?Will I be WASTING valuable time,My Intellect and efforts on this sorts of things?well,that’s what’s BUGGING me.After reading the alarming rates of SCAMS on these field,I feel that I got to TAKE SOME ACTION and just not believe what others claim to be.Being ever curious (and skeptical) as I am,I've decided to do a PROJECT.This project will prove if there was really money on fields that already earned a bad reputation,they are the leading WORK-AT-HOME-ONLINE schemes,they are:


Ever since I’ve found out  about  EARNING MONEY at home ,and all the CONVINCING TESTIMONIALS of people that they are indeed,EARNING.I just look at the smiles on their faces,ENVIOUS (yet suspicious) about their “checks”  while all the time,whispering to myself “Ugh! great! oh is this real? they are just at the comfort of their own home,accompanied by a friendly computer  and a reliable internet connection and oh wait,


"THEY GOT CASH"???! hmmm...kind of INTERESTING".

Ive been always so curious about this WORK AT HOME JOBS.Yes,there are a whole bunch of NEGATIVE reactions when you searched the internet,but then I thought what if it's hella TRUE?If that's the case,Im missing the "fun".After all "RUMORS (sometimes) HAS BASIS"right?.

I always have the INNER URGE to try this things out.Simply because,I wanna know if these “RUMORS  are TRUE” and I also have this nature to spare people from being HARMED by SHARING my experience on a certain field.That’s how this BLOG began.One of my missions is TO TRY AS MANY AS POSSIBLE OF WORK AT HOME WEBSITES AND TO TELL PEOPLE ABOUT MY HONEST OPINION ABOUT IT ,not because of money and advertising.
but THROUGH MY OWN EXPERIENCE about it.And Because of alarming SCAM rates,that I've decided that this must be the first TOPIC im gonna POST on my freshly,newly made blog.

 A little history about "me", before we get into the main agenda,after all It is RELATED to the topic we’ll going to tackle,I am a COMPUTER ADDICT.The minimum hours Ive spent in front of the internet is about 10 hours,and that is,


One typical day while searching the World Wide Web again,things started to come into my mind and decided,why not turn my being a COMPUTER ADDICT to something productive?I've been spending hours and hours on FACEBOOK,PLAYING GAMES,YOUTUBE and everything you can imagine! and it is so UNPRODUCTIVE (yes,i know) FACEBOOK and YOUTUBE is becoming richer and richer  while I (and millions of people) increase “traffic” on their sites! And here I am,life's still the same.So,Ive searched the Internet just for some ideas.And BOOM! That’s how Ive bumped into WORK AT HOME JOBS and WORK ONLINE SCHEMES.
WOW! Great ,I can finally be PRODUCTIVE  while infront of my beloved computer! YaYYY! (I thought)  and said to myself: “HMMM. WHY NOT GIVE IT A TRY?” :D

So,that is the history!

After HOURS AND DAYS (even months) of “extensive “  and careful research.I finally started to jot down what seems to be LEGITIMATE online jobs to me.During my research,Ive found out that “MILLIONS” of work at home jobs (survey,PTC’S) are all SCAMS.SAD,Isn’t it? :,(  but that’s why we should be CAREFUL,everyone will TAKE ADVANTAGE OF US,”ONLY” IF WE LET THEM TO.There’s only about 10-20 ELITE and TRUSTED Survey and PTC sites that Ive found.And by legitimate,I mean those who REALLY pays for their members,there are FAULTS and some complaints on every FORUMS or BLOGS Ive searched,but what I will list here are those who have only minor faults or NONE AT ALL (well,all major companies up to to this day still has PROS and CONS,isn’t it?all are subject for IMPROVING,nothing’s PERFECT)and those who are proven by the majority, to PAY(well,as ive learned from forums,BLOGS  and other honest reviews and stuffs,as I said Im on the process of INVESTIGATION,I will update you,so stay tuned!).  But that’s not an enough point to BE DISCOURAGED is how YOU EARN AND “GET REAL MONEY “ from them.But here are some few and basic tips on how you can easily distinguish a SCAM website,One is through its "website" design (TEMPLATED designs,means they just got the design on a software web generator design or web-hosting WEBSITE DESIGNS and put it into their website,BIG COMPANIES don't do that.they hire PROFFESSIONAL people for nice graphic designs and CUSTOMIZATION and originality is their job) ,TOO-GOOD-TO-BE-TRUE schemes (those who pay you like 400$ to 1,000$ a day,what the hell? What sick company will pay you that amount when you’re just sitting at the comfort of your home and just clicking some ads or filling up forms???) and one more thing ESTABLISHED ,Legal Companies DON'T ask FOR A FEE when you want to join/sign up for them.The company that asks for their surveys,PAYS them MILLIONS or BILLIONS.Thats,how it works,we are given percentage by them by receiving our views about a certain product or etc.They pay us for our opinions and valuable TIME.As for P-aid T-o C-lick websites,they pay us by INCREASING TRAFFIC on various websites by visiting their ADS.Learning this things,I thinked again.Will I forever let myself  be haunted by the thought of not TRYING even though I CAN,I KNOW and it wont harm me?.Well as long as I am not the ONE who will give money then,WHY NOT?.
Here’s the websites I joined in for the last couple of days and in the process of my INVESTIGATION at the moment (This post is NOT YET final)

I’ll let you know if these COMPANIES REALLY works  
1. Clixsense
2. Neobux
3. Incentria
4. Clicksia
5. Cashcrate
6. Surveysavvy
7. Mysurvey
8. Inboxdollars
9. Odesk
(not a survey or ptc,but ive included this because I have a close friend who works at it because he’s literate on computers and HE EARNS MONEY from it,you can google what it is all about.)
10. Surveyscout
11. Opinionoutpost
12. Esearch
13. Yougov
14. Brandinstitute

15. Swagbucks  and harrispollonline (although not yet available here in PHILIPPINES,they said they will just UPDATE me if they already are)

16. Squidoo (not a survey or ptc.but you can earn money by doing original essays (they hate plagiarism :p )

Notes (and some DISCLAIMERS) : You have to make this a SERIOUS job unless you want to earn some SERIOUS money ,you have to put TIME and EFFORT."STARTING" has never been so easy,breezzy (like what I did on this blog and frequent edits on this first post).YOU CAN NEVER GET RICH "overnight" or even weeks.It takes MONTHS and yes,YEARS.
SURVEYS and PTC's could be just a PAST-TIME too.Whichever you prefer.
Some are asking me if,they will GET RICH by surveys and Ptc’s,I think this is not the right way,Dude.Go out  and apply FOR A REAL JOB if you can!
But,if you are IDLE,always at home ,or want some extra pennies,then this is the way for an EXTRA MONEY (and productiveness)  and in order to have that “extra money”  you also have to treat this like a JOB.I usually put 8-10 hours or more of time in it.

Lastly,remember : EVERYTHING TAKES TIME,and Time is everything here on the Internet,the more you are an old and active member,the  more your chances are,Ive also learned that most companies GIVE MORE  oppurtunities to those members who are LOYAL to them.

Well,that’s it at the moment.All the late nights and the “eyebugs” are the results of,WHAT YOU ARE READING right now! LOL I HOPE YOU'VE LEARNED SOME BITS;)

If you ever think Im PAYED for this?

After all,I hate being paid,just for the sake of FALSE ADVERTISEMENTS and LIES.
I don’t want people being scammed because mankind will lose trust on the INTERNET IF SCAMS ARE RAMPANT.And of course I know the feeling of being taken advantaged too,So I really, DON'T want that,
for internet is such a PRODUCTIVE and AWESOME place if we use it as a tool for POSITIVITY.

I will update you on EVERYTHING about  this online MONEY MAKERY journey.Just stay tuned.


Until Next Time,GOODNIGHT! ;)